
The Brainwash Movie Festival’s 30th Anniversary Annual Shows!

OK, Look Out Now, here comes our 30th! Annual Brainwash Movie Festival!

But first, here are our winners from our 2023 Festival, shown at SF’s New Farm, 10/27-29/2023:

1st Prize: Loop Garou – a French Canadian Werewolf Fable – Erin Greenwell

2nd Grand! Prize!: The Unseen – John Akre

3rd Prize: Shitfaced –Jack E. K. Collier

4th Prize: Once I Passed –
Martin Gerigk

5th Prize: #SPONSORED –Yurie Collins

So get in on the show and enter your movie, now!


Looking forward to seeing you and your work at our 30th “Pearl” year!

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Posted on March 23, 2024 at 6:35 pm by Shelby Toland.
Filed under: Award Winners, Brainwash Blog, Brainwash Movies, The Festival.
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