
2023 Call for Entries

2023 Call for Entries!


The 2023 Brainwash Movie Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In Festival Call for Entries.

A rarefied and unique event: A drive-in movie festival high in the eastern California Sierra Mountains! Screening the weird, unusual and significantly great (but, probably, unheralded) movies of the world for the past 28 years. Every season, the Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In Movie Festival screens your movies, gives awards and now going online, too! Join us! Submit your movie and/or come on out for the shows, or stay home and see how it all looks on the home movie screen. Nothin’ like it!

So enter and help yourself and the movie arts at Brainwash!


“Extra Early Bird/Worm” Entries: Shorts $15, Features $40 by by Dec. 31st, 2022

“Early Bird” Entries: Shorts $20, Features $50 by by March 15th, 2023

“On Time” Entries: Shorts $30, Features $65 by May 1st, 2023

“Hurry, You’re Late” Entries: Shorts $40, Features $90 by June 1st, 2023

“Oh, Brother! Extended Deadline” Entries: Shorts $50, Features $100 by June 21st, 2023

Note: Shorts are under 13 min., Features under 130 min.
Movies 13-59 min. are Shorts; 60-129 min. are Features.

We can no longer accept credit cards except through

Or… send a check, money order or use Paypal to (we do not recommend sending cash), with an email link to your movie to, or DVD to…

1675 7th St., #23302
Oakland, CA 94623-6009


  • Brainwash will also present the shows of selected movies online and pay producers based on the viewership of that event.
  • All entries must be .MP4 files online and downloadable.
  • Please include a 10-20 sec. trailer and/or clips of your movie(s) to be used in promoting your movie and the festival.
  • All accepted entries will be notified by email.


Free Admission to the Festival Event.

We have a broadcast series in the works and will use your movie, with your permission, if yours is selected.

Prizes! We would like to welcome our returning sponsor Jungle Software to The Brainwash Movie Festival. We will be presenting Jungle software to our TOP 3 AWARD WINNERS this year, to help with future movie productions!

Chimpanzee and Story-O are production software especially designed for independent filmmakers. Chimpanzee allows you to create breakdown sheets, characters, budgets, manage cast & crew, generate call sheets, prop lists, shot lists, storyboards and more.  Story-O allows you to outline your story in broad strokes, jot down raw notes and ideas, flesh out details and then put it all in story order when you’re ready. Find out more at the Jungle Software website.

PLUS – A new award from

3 winners will receive a prize package from InkTip:

InkTip is a service that producers and reps use to find great screenplays, and the results speak for themselves. 393 movies have been made from scripts and writers found on our site.

Producers: find scripts fast and easy.

Writers: list and sell your scripts.

Winners of the 4th, 5th and Audience Award Prizes will receive an InkTip Script Listing:  A listing of your script on InkTip so that producers and reps can find you.

And Now… an even newer award from

VM logo


A one year FREE subscription to ALL entrants to the 2018 Brainwash Movie Festival starting after the festival ends in September of this year!

What more do you want?!

Brainwash Movies

1675 7th St., #23302 Oakland, CA 94623-6009 USofA

To subscribe or unsubscribe, go to: group/brainwash-movies

510 836-3210/shelbytoland@yahoo. com


The Brainwash Drive-in Bike-in Walk-in Movie Festival With a vital array of movies from all over the world for the cinematically adventuroUS!    

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Posted on March 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm by Shelby Toland.
Filed under: Brainwash Blog, Call for Entries.
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